Saturday, July 30, 2011

Better 'n Peanut Butter

I LOVE peanut butter....   like cheese, I think it should be a food group!  It is a little distressing to me that it not considered a "healthy" fat.    So when I found Better 'n Peanut Butter at Whole Foods, I was over the moon.  

I was even more ecstatic when I thought it tasted great & Rob likes it more than regular peanut butter!   It is 100 calories per serving instead of 200-220 & 85% less fat.   It comes in a low sodium version as well (which I found at Trader Joes).   They taste pretty similar, but that is probably because it is already low in that department.   It is a little more expensive than its fully loaded counterpart, but worth every penny!
If you love peanut butter like me, you gotta try it!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Citrus Squeezer

Ok, you might think this isn't necessary in the kitchen...  BUT, I think I lack the ability to squeeze a lemon or a lime without causing it to go in every direction (or in someone's eye)!   So while I was at Bed, Bath & Beyond, I picked one up that was about 3 or 4 dollars...
I love it!  I cut the lemons down so they fit in this cheaper squeezer, but I think I am getting more juice out of the fruit this way & I am preventing the mess I made the other way!  This one is a keeper!

A Better Salt?

I have picked up several tips from nutritionist Kimberly Snyder & her book, The Beauty Detox Solution.    One of best tips I have found was to change my salt!   I know it sounds silly, but she explains why here on her blog.  My husband actually thinks it tastes better than sea or kosher salt!   (that is saying a lot)    She also recommends the Himalayan Pink Salt in her book, but I prefer the Celtic in my recipes and dishes.   I found both at Whole Foods, but Trader Joe's in Atlanta only carries the Himalayan.   Here are some pictures of them which might make it easier to find: 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

All New Look at Shampoo...

I have had a problem with tangles for years!   To the point where if it is growing out, I have it cut to a bob length every time.   I also have a very sensitive scalp which some conditioners leave too much residue.    I actually turned to YouTube for this one... and found this video where the girls describes the difference between shampoo that contains sodium lauryl sulfate (bad) vs sodium laureth sulfate (good).  I bought the Dove & Aveeno shampoo brands that she mentions...  

Love the difference!   I don't even use conditioner anymore!   I can tell a huge difference in the texture of my hair & scalp.   Now I use my Aveda Shampure as body wash!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Blog is Getting a New Spin

Ok, so I don't travel enough to make my focus on the blog just about travel tips.  I am not leaving that topic completely...   However, I will be adding tips & tricks I have learned about skin care, diet, food substitutions, & other everyday topics!   I will basically be highlighting all the top suggestions I have found on twitter, blogs, & other advice from friends.   I am excited because I think everyone should have this knowledge at their fingertips! Here goes...